
Hello you! Thanks for being curious and checking out my blog!

My vision for this endeavor is to empower impactful change by sharing my knowledge of Lean concepts I’ve gained from my 20 years of military service, with a sprinkle of my love for pop culture and things I find interesting.

When I was around five or six years old I took apart an old dot matrix printer, one of those that had the perforated edges with holes on the side. My dad caught me in the middle of the bedroom floor with parts spread out over the tiles and asked me why I did that to the printer. According to my dad, I said “I just want to know how it works.”

That curiosity of wanting to know how the different parts of a system come together to work as one has stuck with me throughout the years. That mindset helped me understand how different roles worked to accomplish the mission and contribute to an overall strategy while in the military. It helped me teach Lean/Six Sigma principles to Airmen in the U.S. Air Force for eight years. It helps me guide teams to improve how people collaborate and get the job done.

I invite you to join me on this continuous journey to understand how we can make our lives and work more enjoyable. That’s what impactful change means to me…positive improvement to our lives.

